Tom Segura is a popular stand-up comedian who is known for his Netflix comedy specials and podcasts. His stand-up shows typically last around 90 minutes, with an intermission halfway through the show.
Typical Format of a Tom Segura Stand-up Show
Here is the typical format and length of a Tom Segura stand-up comedy show:
- The show starts with a short 10-15 minute opening act by another comedian.
- After the opening act finishes, there is a brief intermission for 5-10 minutes while the stage is set up for Tom’s set.
- Tom then comes out and performs stand-up comedy for around 60-70 minutes.
- At the halfway point, around the 30-35 minute mark, there is a 15-20 minute intermission.
- After the mid-show intermission, Tom returns to the stage and does another 30-35 minutes of stand-up comedy.
- The total running time is typically around 90 minutes from the start of the opening act to the end of Tom’s set.
So in summary, Tom Segura’s stand-up set itself is usually 60-70 minutes, split into two halves with an intermission. Add in the opening act and intermissions, and the total show length is around 90 minutes.
Factors That Could Lengthen or Shorten the Show
While 90 minutes is typical, there are some factors that could result in Tom Segura’s show running shorter or longer on a given night:
- If it’s a theater show, the start time could get delayed if there are long lines or delays with the audience entering and taking their seats.
- If the opening act does a shorter or longer set, that would subtract or add time.
- Tom could shorten or lengthen his sets based on how the audience is reacting and how inspired he feels that night.
- Logistical factors like equipment issues or an unplanned interruption could lengthen the show.
- If it’s a festival show with strict set times, Tom may have to shorten his set to fit the allotted time slot.
So while 90 minutes is the standard show length, the actual duration could be a bit shorter or longer depending on the circumstances of that particular show.
Length of Special Comedy Shows
For televised specials and major theater shows, Tom Segura will generally do a longer set to fill up the time allotted. Here are some examples:
- His 2020 Netflix special “Ball Hog” has a run time of 89 minutes, which would include some time for opening credits and closing credits.
- For his 2021 Netflix special “I’m Coming Everywhere” he performed a 100-minute set.
- His theater shows at places like Radio City Music Hall have had Tom perform for approximately 100 minutes to fill out the full evening.
So for high-profile special shows, Tom Segura tends to perform stand-up for between 90 minutes and 100 minutes, which fits well with the standard length of comedy albums and specials.
Length of Club Shows
When Tom Segura is touring and performing at comedy clubs, theaters, and other small venues, his sets tend to run closer to the 60-70 minute range. Here are some examples:
- At the Paramount Theater in Denver in 2022, Tom performed for around 65 minutes.
- For shows at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, Tom’s headlining sets are typically 60-75 minutes.
- At the Neptune Theater in Seattle in 2018, audience members reported Tom performing for roughly 70 minutes.
So at small comedy venues, Tom Segura tends to keep his stand-up set a bit shorter, in the 60-75 minute range. The overall show length is still around 90 minutes total when factoring in the opening act.
Length of Podcast Live Shows
For live recordings of his “Your Mom’s House” podcast with his wife Christina Pazsitzky, Tom mixes up the format:
- Tom and Christina will do an opening set of stand-up, around 20-30 minutes each.
- They then do a live podcast segment, taking audience questions and riffing off audience members.
- Next is an intermission around the halfway point.
- After the intermission, they do another live podcast segment.
- To close, they each do another shorter stand-up set of around 15 minutes.
The total run time of their live podcast shows tends to be around 2 hours to 2 hours 15 minutes. So Tom’s total stand-up time is around 35-45 minutes, mixed in with the live podcast segments.
Set List and Material
Tom Segura structures his 60-70 minute headlining sets in a careful way to maximize laughs and audience enjoyment. Here is a typical set list structure:
- Opener – 5-10 minutes of topical jokes and initial bits to warm up the audience.
- Storytelling – 10-15 minutes expanding on a funny story from his life.
- Observational comedy – 10-15 minutes making observations about everyday topics and occurances.
- Act out – 5 minutes of physical comedy and act-outs.
- Audience interactions – 5-10 minutes of crowd work and engaging with the audience.
- Closing story – 10-15 minutes with another long-form story to end the set strongly.
Tom cycles through new material constantly. Even on tour, he may only do a particular joke or story for a few shows in a row before retiring it and working in new material. This keeps his shows fresh for returning fans.
In summary, a typical stand-up comedy show headlined by Tom Segura lasts around 90 minutes from start to finish. This includes:
- A 10-15 minute opening act
- 60-70 minutes of comedy from Tom Segura
- 15-20 minutes of combined intermission time
Tom structures his headlining set carefully with a mix of short jokes, storytelling, crowd interactions, and physical comedy. For televised specials and major theater shows, he will perform for up to 100 minutes of material. At smaller comedy clubs, his sets run 60-75 minutes. The length and structure of Tom Segura’s stand-up shows highlights his skills as an experienced touring comedian.