Ticketmaster gift cards allow the recipient to purchase tickets for events through Ticketmaster. Like most gift cards, Ticketmaster gift cards come with an expiration date. This often leads to questions around whether the cards can be extended past their printed expiration date.
In the opening paragraphs, it is quick to answer that unfortunately, Ticketmaster does not allow gift cards to be extended past their expiration date. The expiration policy is firm and cards cannot be reactivated after they expire. Ticketmaster gift cards must be used by the expiration date printed on the card.
Reasons Ticketmaster Gift Cards Cannot Be Extended
There are several reasons why Ticketmaster maintains a strict expiration date policy for their gift cards:
Company Policy
Ticketmaster’s official policy is that gift cards cannot be extended. This policy is printed on the back of all Ticketmaster gift cards and made clear during the purchase process. When using a Ticketmaster gift card, the user agrees to abide by all terms and policies associated with the card. Company policy prohibits extensions as a condition of using the card.
Liability and Accounting
From an accounting perspective, keeping gift cards active indefinitely would create increasing liabilities on Ticketmaster’s books.
Gift card liabilities represent the value of outstanding gift cards that have not yet been redeemed. As time goes on, more and more gift cards expire unused. But if Ticketmaster allowed extensions indefinitely, the liability would never clear for expired cards. This is problematic from an accounting standpoint.
Additionally, if cards never expired, Ticketmaster would accrue increasing liabilities related to lost, stolen or abandoned cards. Placing an expiration date limits their liabilty for unused funds on cards no longer in circulation.
Encourages Use
The expiration date encourages customers to use their Ticketmaster gift cards promptly. Without a defined end date, cards could sit unused indefinitely. An expiration date prompts cardholders to redeem their cards within the validity period. This ultimately drives more business for Ticketmaster when cards are redeemed for ticket purchases.
Common Questions Around Ticketmaster Gift Card Extensions
Despite the firm policy, many customers still contact Ticketmaster attempting to extend expired gift cards. Here are some common questions and answers:
Can I get a refund on my expired Ticketmaster gift card?
No, Ticketmaster does not offer refunds on expired or partially used gift cards. The cards have no cash value and are not exchangeable for cash per the gift card terms.
What if my Ticketmaster gift card expired during the pandemic when events were cancelled? Can I get an extension?
Unfortunately expiration dates were not extended due to the pandemic. Ticketmaster encourages customers to use gift cards promptly to purchase any available events. Expiration dates are not adjusted based on availability.
Can I exchange my expired Ticketmaster gift card for a new one?
No, Ticketmaster does not allow gift cards to be exchanged once expired. The original card and associated funds are no longer valid after the printed expiration date.
What if I ordered a Ticketmaster gift card but it didn’t arrive until after it expired? Can I get a new one?
In this scenario, contact Ticketmaster customer support for assistance. As long as you have proof of when the gift card was ordered and when it arrived, they may be able to issue a replacement for cards that arrived after expiration.
What if I accidentally bought a Ticketmaster gift card for the wrong event or date? Can I extend it until the event I want comes around?
Unfortunately gift cards cannot be extended for this reason. Double check event details before purchasing gift cards to ensure you get one valid for the desired event and date.
Making the Most of Ticketmaster Gift Cards
To maximize Ticketmaster gift cards, here are some tips:
Use gift cards quickly
Redeem gift cards as soon as possible to get full use before expiration. Ticketmaster gift cards are valid for 12 months from activation so use within a year.
Register gift cards
Registering gift cards connects them to a Ticketmaster account for easier online redemption. This also provides balance protection in case cards are lost or stolen.
Double check balances
When purchasing tickets, double check the gift card balance to ensure enough funds are available. Ticketmaster does not allow partial gift card redemptions.
Watch for fees
There can be fees for using gift cards for certain events or ticket types. Be aware of all charges.
Combine with other offers
Look for opportunities to combine gift cards with other promotions for maximum savings on ticket purchases.
Purchasing New Gift Cards
Once a Ticketmaster gift card expires, the only option is to purchase a new gift card. Here are some tips for buying new ones:
Digital or physical
Choose digital gift cards for faster email delivery or physical cards to give as gifts. Both offer the same convenience and flexibility.
Check denomination
Ticketmaster offers a variety of denominations from $25-$500. Choose based on coverage needed for events.
Look for deals
Watch for periodic discounts or promotions when purchasing gift cards to maximize value.
Cross-check fees
Verify no purchase or activation fees apply when buying new cards. Fees can reduce initial value.
Review expiration
New gift cards expire 12 months from activation. Note the expiration when purchasing cards to allow enough time to redeem.
In conclusion, Ticketmaster maintains strict rules around gift card expirations. Their official policy leaves no options for extending expired gift cards. Customers need to redeem cards promptly before the printed expiration date. Once a gift card has expired, the only option is to purchase a brand new card. Following Ticketmaster’s terms and policies allows customers to easily enjoy the convenience of gift cards for ticket purchases, as long as cards are used before they expire. With some planning and prompt usage, Ticketmaster gift cards can provide a seamless way to give the gift of events and experiences.