If you are using the Ticketmaster app and want to refresh your queue, there are a few easy steps you can take. The queue in the Ticketmaster app allows you to wait in line virtually for tickets to in-demand events. Refreshing this queue is important to maintain your place in line and have the best chance at getting the tickets you want.
Check Your Place in Line
Before refreshing the queue, it’s a good idea to check where you currently stand in the virtual line. Open the Ticketmaster app and tap on the “My Tickets” icon in the bottom navigation bar (it looks like a ticket). This will show you any active queues you have going. Tap the queue you want to refresh and it will display your current place in line.
Make a note of what place you are in – for example, 345. That way once you refresh you can ensure your place did not change drastically. A small fluctuation is normal when refreshing, but you want to make sure your place stays largely the same.
Refresh the Queue
To refresh your place in the virtual queue, simply pull down on the queue screen in the app to refresh. You can also tap the circular refresh icon in the top right to reload the queue. This will connect to the Ticketmaster servers again and update your spot in line.
Android App Refresh
For Android users, open the queue in the Ticketmaster app and swipe down from the top of the screen to initiate a refresh. Your current place in line will be updated.
iPhone App Refresh
If you’re on an iPhone, open the Ticketmaster app, go to the queue screen, and pull down from the top with your finger to refresh the queue. This gesture will reload your place in line.
Confirm Your Place
Once the queue has refreshed, confirm your place in line has not changed dramatically. It should be very close to what it was before you refreshed. As long as you didn’t lose too many spots, you’re good to go!
Some fluctuation is normal, but major drops in your place (e.g. 200 spots or more) indicate a problem. If that happens, try refreshing again. If your place keeps changing significantly on refresh, contact Ticketmaster customer support for assistance.
Refresh Regularly
Be sure to continue refreshing your Ticketmaster queue regularly as you wait for your spot to come up. This maintains your virtual place in line and prevents you from getting bumped or timed out.
Exact refresh frequency depends on the event and estimated queue wait times, but every 5-10 minutes is generally recommended. Set reminders if needed so you don’t lose your coveted position!
Refresh Until Tickets
Keep refreshing your Ticketmaster queue periodically until you either get offered tickets or all the tickets sell out. Don’t stop refreshing even as you get closer to the front, as a connection issue or glitch right before your turn could cost you tickets!
Troubleshooting Tips
If you run into any issues refreshing your Ticketmaster queue, here are some troubleshooting tips:
Restart the App
Force close and restart the Ticketmaster app if you are unable to refresh or your place is stuck. This will reset the connection.
Update the App
Make sure you have the latest version of the Ticketmaster app installed. Update it if an update is available in your device’s app store.
Check Service Status
Check Ticketmaster’s service status page online or on social media to see if there are any known issues with queuing or the app in general.
Contact Support
As a last resort, reach out to Ticketmaster customer service for additional support if you cannot resolve queue refreshing issues.
Joining Queues
In addition to refreshing queues, you may also need to join new Ticketmaster queues if you don’t already have the maximum allowed. Most accounts can be in 5 different queues at a time.
When ticket sales open for an event, open the Ticketmaster app and search for the event. If queueing is available, you will see a “Join Queue” button. Tap this to get in line for tickets.
Once you join a new queue, you can switch between your active queues in the app and refresh them individually at any time. Just follow the same refreshing steps above.
Queue Status and Estimated Wait
Pay attention to the estimated wait time shown in each Ticketmaster queue. This will give you an idea of how long you can expect to wait before getting offered tickets.
The wait time is dynamic and can fluctuate drastically depending on demand. Keep refreshing to maintain your spot until you either get into the front of the line or all tickets sell out.
Queue Pausing
Ticketmaster queues will automatically pause after a short period of inactivity. This is done to prevent bots and scalpers from hoarding spots.
If your queue gets paused, simply refresh it again to resume your place in line. Don’t panic if you see a “Paused” message, just refresh.
Ticket Offers
When you reach the front of the Ticketmaster queue, you will get an offer for the number of tickets requested. You will have several minutes (usually around 5) to complete the purchase after getting offered tickets.
Have your payment details handy so you can quickly finalize the purchase before your ticket offer expires.
Purchase Limits
There are usually limits enforced on the number of tickets you can purchase from a single Ticketmaster account. This varies by event but is typically 4-8 tickets.
Trying to purchase more than the limit will result in an error when checking out. You will then have to release some tickets from your cart to get within the allowed quantity.
Queue Status Page
For very popular events, Ticketmaster will sometimes create a queue status page. This provides real-time updates on queue lengths, pace, estimated times, inventory remaining and more.
If available, monitor the queue status page for the event you are lining up for. It can give you a helpful visual on queue progress.
Queue ID
Each Ticketmaster queue generates a unique Queue ID that identifies your spot in line. This can be useful for tracking your place if you encounter any issues.
To find your Queue ID, click on your place in line on the queue screen. This will open a popup with the Queue ID at the top.
Make a note of this ID in case you need to reference it when contacting support about queue issues.
Queue Position | Queue ID |
345 | a83cc72e-7e32-4f95-85c0-d6b5e3ba9d2d |
Using Multiple Devices
You can be signed into the Ticketmaster app on multiple devices at the same time using the same account. This allows you to refresh and manage queues from different devices.
However, you should only be actively refreshing the queue from one device at a time. Switch between devices by closing the app before opening it elsewhere.
Having multiple devices try to simultaneously refresh the same queue can cause issues with your place in line.
Refreshing your queue in the Ticketmaster app is vital for maintaining your place in line for coveted tickets to live events. Be sure to refresh regularly, troubleshoot any issues with refreshing, and thoroughly read any queue status updates.
With persistence and patience, proper queue refreshing will eventually reward you with the chance to purchase tickets at the front of the line!