There are a few reasons why you may be having issues transferring tickets from your Apple Wallet to another device or person. The Apple Wallet app allows you to store digital versions of tickets, boarding passes, coupons, loyalty cards, and more on your iPhone or Apple Watch. While it provides a convenient way to keep these items organized in one place, sometimes transferring tickets can be tricky. In this article, we’ll go over some of the common reasons tickets get stuck in Apple Wallet and what you can do about it.
The tickets are non-transferable
One of the most common reasons you can’t transfer a ticket from Apple Wallet is that the ticket itself is non-transferable. Many event tickets, travel tickets, and other digital tickets have policies that prohibit transferring them between devices or users. This is to prevent activities like ticket scalping or fraud. If you look at the fine print on a digital ticket in Apple Wallet, you may see language indicating it is for your personal use only and non-transferable. Trying to AirDrop or share non-transferable tickets from your Apple Wallet will result in an error. There is no workaround for this – you must have the original ticket purchaser send the ticket again directly to the other person’s Apple Wallet.
You don’t have an internet connection
Apple Wallet relies on an internet connection to sync tickets between devices and share them with other people. If you try to transfer a ticket while offline, Apple Wallet can’t communicate with the ticket provider’s servers to authorize the transfer. To resolve this, make sure both devices have an active Wi-Fi or cellular data connection before attempting to send the tickets. Airplane mode will block this communication, so disable it if it’s turned on. If you still can’t transfer with an internet connection, try force quitting the Wallet app and restarting it to refresh the connection.
The Wallet app needs to be updated
Over time, Apple releases updates to fix bugs and improve performance in the Wallet app. If your Wallet app is out of date, it may struggle to transfer tickets properly. Go to the App Store on both devices and install any available updates for Wallet. You may need to update your iOS or iPadOS software too. Keeping your devices up to date ensures maximum compatibility between Wallets during transfers.
Your Apple ID doesn’t match
Apple Wallet syncs tickets between devices using your Apple ID. If the Apple IDs don’t match between the source device and destination device, transfers may fail. Make sure you are signed in with the same Apple ID on both the device sending the tickets and the one receiving them. Using Family Sharing can also complicate things – tickets synced to a family organizer’s account may not transfer properly to a family member on a shared plan.
The ticket issuer transferred the wrong ticket
Sometimes ticket transfers fail not because of an Apple Wallet issue, but because the ticket issuer made a mistake. If you purchased multiple tickets from the same provider and they sent the wrong one to your Apple Wallet, transfers will naturally not work properly. You’ll need to contact the ticket seller and have them re-send the correct ticket to your Wallet. Be specific about which ticket you need sent again based on the event name, date, seat number, etc.
The ticket barcode is corrupted
On rare occasions, the barcode or QR code on a digital ticket can become corrupted or unreadable by Apple Wallet on one device but not another. Resetting the ticket and having the issuer re-send it is the best way to resolve this. Corrupted barcodes prevent Apple Wallet from transferring the ticket properly. As a workaround, you may be able to screenshot the ticket barcode and send the image to the other person. But for long-term fixing, you’ll want to get the ticket code reset to repair the file.
You reached your transfer limit
Depending on the event and ticket provider policies, there may be limits to how many times you can transfer a ticket out of Apple Wallet. This is another measure to prevent scalping and fraud. If you already transferred a ticket the maximum allowed times, Apple Wallet will block additional transfers. Check the transfer policy for the specific tickets you’re trying to send. You may need to reach out to the ticket seller to override the limit for a legitimate reason.
The ticket already transferred successfully
Don’t panic if a ticket disappears from your Apple Wallet after you transfer it. This is expected behavior. The ticket issuer has to revoke the ticket from the sending device once it transfers to another Wallet. If you see the ticket successfully sent from your Messages or AirDrop, rest assured it was transferred, even if it is no longer in your Wallet. The recipient just needs to accept the ticket into their own Wallet. You cannot transfer the same ticket more than once.
Trouble transferring tickets from Apple Wallet is frustrating, but the problem typically boils down to one of these common issues. Non-transferable tickets, internet connection problems, Apple ID mismatches, corrupted barcodes, and transfer limits can all block ticket sends. Check for solutions like updating Wallet, toggling airplane mode, signing in with the proper Apple ID, having the issuer re-send damaged tickets, and staying within transfer limits. If problems persist, contact the ticket seller directly for assistance investigating the issue. With some troubleshooting, you’ll get your tickets transferred and be on your way to enjoying the event.
Examples of Troubleshooting Steps
Here are some example troubleshooting steps you can take if your tickets won’t transfer from Apple Wallet:
- Make sure airplane mode is disabled and Wi-Fi or cellular data is connected on both devices.
- Force quit and restart the Wallet app to refresh the connection.
- Update to the latest version of iOS/iPadOS and the Wallet app.
- Check that both devices are signed in with the same Apple ID.
- Verify the correct tickets were issued by the seller to your Apple Wallet.
- Contact the ticket seller to have corrupted ticket barcodes resent.
- Ask the ticket seller to override transfer limit restrictions if needed.
- Accept the successfully transferred ticket in the recipient’s Wallet.
- Screenshot ticket barcode as a last resort workaround for transfers.
When to Contact Apple or the Ticket Seller
If you still can’t resolve the ticket transfer issues after troubleshooting, it’s time to contact Apple or the ticket seller for additional support:
- Contact Apple Support if you suspect an issue with Apple Wallet itself, like app malfunctioning or Apple ID complications.
- Contact the ticket seller if you need tickets reissued due to corruption, incorrect tickets sent initially, or transfer limit issues.
- Contact the event organizer or box office if tickets are non-transferable and you need an exception due to unforeseen circumstances.
Having the original ticket purchase confirmation code handy when you reach out will help resolve the issue faster. Be ready to explain exactly which ticket is not transferring and what troubleshooting you’ve already tried.
Transferring Tickets to Friends and Family
To successfully transfer Apple Wallet tickets to friends and family:
- Confirm tickets are transferable by checking for non-transferable language on the tickets.
- Ensure both devices have internet access and up-to-date Wallet apps.
- Verify Apple IDs match between sender and recipient devices.
- Check transfer limits to see if another transfer is allowed.
- In Wallet, use AirDrop or Messages to send tickets.
- Recipient accepts ticket and adds it to their own Wallet.
Follow-up with recipients to confirm they received the tickets. If transfers fail, troubleshoot the issue or contact the ticket seller for support.
Using Apple Wallet Safely
To keep your digital tickets and Apple Wallet safe:
- Set a passcode on your device to prevent unauthorized access.
- Use Find My on iCloud to locate lost or stolen devices remotely.
- Review transaction history to catch unauthorized purchases.
- Enable Wallet notifications to detect suspicious activity.
- Avoid jailbreaking devices as it strips out security layers.
- Install iOS and Wallet app updates promptly.
Being cautious with digital wallets protects your personal information, payment methods, and tickets for a stress-free experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I transfer tickets from my iPhone to Android?
Apple Wallet relies on Apple technology to sync tickets. Therefore, you cannot directly transfer tickets between an iPhone and an Android device. The ticket issuer would have to reissue the ticket to the Android device instead.
Do all digital tickets transfer from Apple Wallet?
No, many digital tickets have transfer restrictions to prevent scalping and fraud. Non-transferable tickets are for personal use only and can’t be sent to another Apple Wallet.
How do I update the Wallet app?
On your iPhone or iPad, open the App Store. Go to the Updates tab. If Wallet has an update available, it will appear here. Tap Update next to the Wallet app to install the latest version.
Why does Family Sharing cause problems with Apple Wallet?
With Family Sharing, only the family organizer’s payment methods and tickets sync to other family members’ devices. So tickets may not transfer properly between family members with different Apple IDs.
Can transferring a ticket delete it from my Wallet?
Yes, successfully transferring an Apple Wallet ticket revokes it from the sending device. But it will still appear in the recipient’s Wallet if properly received.
Trouble transferring Apple Wallet tickets typically stems from issues like non-transferable tickets, internet connection problems, mismatched Apple IDs, corrupted barcodes, exceeded transfer limits or successful transfers that revoked the ticket. With the right troubleshooting steps, ensuring proper ticket issuance, updating Wallet versions, contacting Apple or the seller, and safely using Wallet, you can resolve transfer issues and keep your digital tickets secure.