Encanto, Disney’s newest animated musical film, has captured the hearts of audiences since its release in late 2021. Set in Colombia and featuring original songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Encanto tells the story of the magical Madrigal family and their gifted daughter Mirabel, who must save her family’s magic. With its vibrant visuals, catchy music, and themes of family, Encanto has proven a hit with kids and adults alike.
Naturally, fans are eager to see Encanto make its way to other Disney mediums like theme parks and live shows. One question on many fans’ minds is: will Encanto become a Disney on Ice show? Disney on Ice, the beloved ice skating spectacle that brings Disney movies to life on the rink, has yet to announce an Encanto on Ice show. But there are good reasons to be hopeful that Encanto on Ice could happen in the near future.
Encanto’s Popularity and Success
First and foremost, Encanto has been a major success for Disney since its release. It earned over $257 million at the global box office, making it one of Disney’s top animated earners of 2021. It was nominated for 3 Oscars including Best Animated Feature. The film’s soundtrack, featuring original songs by Miranda, also proved immensely popular. The standout song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” even topped the Billboard 100 chart for multiple weeks, becoming Disney’s biggest hit song in decades.
With numbers like these, it’s clear Encanto is hugely popular with audiences and has staying power as a new Disney franchise. Disney on Ice tends to showcase Disney’s most popular recent films – for instance turning megahits like Frozen, Moana and Coco into skating spectacles shortly after their releases. As a runaway hit, Encanto seems primed to join those ranks with its own Disney on Ice adaptation.
Vibrant Visuals and Memorable Music
Not only is Encanto a hit – its vibrant visuals, catchy music and lovable characters make it perfectly suited for the Disney on Ice treatment. Colombia’s landscapes and culture are bursting with color and life in the film, from the magic-infused casita where the Madrigals live, to the charming towns and natural settings. The character designs – from Mirabel’s flowing hair and dress to Antonio’s animal friends – are visually dynamic and could translate beautifully to skating costumes and scenes.
And of course, the music of Encanto is some of the most memorable in any recent Disney film. Upbeat songs like “The Family Madrigal” and “Surface Pressure,” as well as ballads like “Waiting on a Miracle” and “Dos Oruguitas,” would make for incredible figure skating routines. Signature songs like “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” practically beg to be turned into splashy production numbers on the ice. Disney on Ice shows are at their most entertaining when the skating complements and enhances the music – something any Encanto on Ice show could certainly deliver.
Unique Setting and Diverse Representation
In addition to its catchy tunes and whimsical visuals, Encanto offers some elements that could allow Disney on Ice to create a unique and one-of-a-kind experience for audiences. Namely, Encanto’s Colombian setting provides a South American backdrop Disney on Ice has not previously incorporated. The Colombia-inspired sets, costumes, and culture would give audiences a whole new world to discover on the ice.
Plus, Encanto’s focus on diversity – its largely Colombian cast of characters, positive depiction of Colombian culture, and themes of intergenerational family dynamics – make it inclusive for global audiences. This gives Disney on Ice the opportunity to showcase underrepresented voices in their shows, as they’ve previously done bringing characters like Moana, Tiana, and Miguel (Coco) to the ice. Overall, Encanto offers a fresh perspective that could inspire Disney on Ice in exciting new directions.
Past Disney on Ice Shows Featuring Recent Disney Films
To further assess Encanto’s chances of becoming a Disney on Ice production, it helps to look at examples of other recent Disney films adapted for the ice. In the past decade alone, Disney on Ice has taken many of Disney’s biggest animated hits and translated them successfully into skating shows within just a couple years of their theatrical releases.
Perhaps the best case study is Frozen. Released in theaters in late 2013, Frozen quickly became a runaway sensation, earning over $1.2 billion globally. With its catchy musical numbers, relatable characters, and girl power themes, Frozen was clearly primed for the Disney on Ice treatment.
Sure enough, just a year after the film’s release, Disney on Ice presented Frozen on Ice in 2014. The show was a bona fide hit, touring for years and getting revived again in 2019 after the release of Frozen 2. Audiences loved seeing key scenes like “Let It Go” come to life on the rink, and Disney on Ice benefited from the massive popularity of the Frozen franchise.
Another recent Disney film that got the Disney on Ice adaptation was 2016’s Moana. Centered on a Polynesian princess, Moana was praised for its cultural authenticity, musical numbers, and stunning animation. Following in Frozen’s footsteps, Moana on Ice debuted just a year after the movie’s release in late 2017.
Fans responded enthusiastically to seeing Moana, Maui, and other characters brought to life through elaborate costumes and skating set pieces. The Polynesian setting and music offered something distinct from previous Disney on Ice shows. Moana on Ice demonstrated how quickly Disney can adapt new hits for the arena spectacle.
In 2017, the Pixar film Coco won over crowds with its celebration of Mexican culture and moving story about family and remembrance. The film’s vivid Land of the Dead setting and catchy music made it a natural fit for Disney on Ice.
Starting in late 2019, just two years after Coco’s original release, Disney on Ice presented Coco on Ice. Audiences were delighted by the colorfully costumed Mexican skeleton characters gliding across the ice. Coco on Ice proved Disney doesn’t just adapt its animated musicals – a compelling story like Coco works beautifully on the rink as well.
Other Examples
Disney Film | Year Released | Year Disney on Ice Adaption Premiered |
Frozen | 2013 | 2014 |
Moana | 2016 | 2017 |
Coco | 2017 | 2019 |
As this small sample shows, Disney has consistently brought its animated blockbusters to the ice within 1-2 years of their theatrical debuts over the past decade. Encanto seems poised to follow a similar timeline based on its popularity and storytelling strengths.
Prediction: Encanto on Ice Within the Next 2 Years
Given Disney’s successful track record translating hits like Frozen, Moana and Coco into crowd-pleasing ice spectaculars shortly after their releases, it’s easy to imagine Encanto receiving the Disney on Ice treatment before long. While Disney has not yet announced an official Encanto on Ice show, we can make an educated guess based on precedent:
- Encanto has been a major box office and soundtrack hit for Disney, garnering over $250 million and earning widespread popularity with families.
- Its visual designs and musical numbers are vibrant, lively, and well-suited for translating to the ice.
- As a recent Disney film celebrating diverse cultures, Encanto offers something fresh for Disney on Ice to spotlight.
- If following patterns for Frozen, Moana and Coco, Disney could develop and debut Encanto on Ice as early as 2023 – roughly 1-2 years after the movie’s premiere.
While nothing is confirmed yet, I predict we will see Encanto on Ice announced and premiered in 2023 or 2024, bringing the magic of the Madrigals to arenas nationwide. The story, characters, music, and cultural elements of Encanto seamlessly lend themselves to an energetic and colorful live show on the ice. It has all the ingredients of a fantastic Disney on Ice production that fans would eagerly flock to see.
For now, we’ll have to wait eagerly for Disney to officially announce their plans for an Encanto on Ice extravaganza. But given how perfectly Encanto’s vibrancy and heart would translate to the ice skating stage, this enchanting new Disney hit taking its place in Disney on Ice seems less like an “if” and more like a “when.” Fans’ hopes for Encanto on Ice should not be underestimated – like Mirabel, they have the power to make this dream a reality.
Encanto’s poignant story, lovable characters, and infectious soundtrack have connected with millions since its November 2021 release. It’s no surprise fans are already clamoring to see Mirabel, Bruno, and the rest of the Madrigals brought to life in other Disney mediums – especially the beloved Disney on Ice series. Though Disney has not confirmed an Encanto on Ice show yet, strong precedence of Disney adapting recent hits for the ice in under 2 years suggests an Encanto on Ice production is likely on the horizon in 2023 or 2024. For now, fans will have to wait and hope patiently to see the magic of Encanto unleashed on the ice. But when the time comes, it’s sure to be uno de los montos mas felices in Disney on Ice history.