The wildly popular Disney movie Encanto has been adapted into a spectacular live show called Encanto on Ice. This exciting figure skating extravaganza brings the magic of the Madrigal family to life on the ice. But how long does this show last? Let’s take a closer look at the duration of Frozen on Ice.
Encanto on Ice is a new live show produced by Feld Entertainment, the company behind other successful on ice adaptations like Disney On Ice and Monster Jam Triple Threat Series. The show features elaborate costumes, sets, and lighting effects to recreate the world of the animated Encanto movie. Professional figure skaters take on the roles of Mirabel, Isabela, Luisa and others, bringing their magical gifts to life through skating routines and stunts. Songs like “Surface Pressure,” “What Else Can I Do?” and the smash hit “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” provide the soundtrack for the show.
Since Encanto on Ice is a major production with multiple acts and intermissions, it has a longer runtime than many other ice shows. Understanding the full length of Encanto on Ice is useful when planning to attend the show, especially for parents bringing young children. So exactly how long is a performance of the new Encanto on Ice spectacular? Let’s break it down.
Length of Encanto on Ice Show
According to Feld Entertainment, a typical performance of Encanto on Ice lasts approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. This accounts for the full show including all acts, scenes and musical numbers from the film, along with two 15 minute intermissions between acts.
Here is a breakdown of the approximate Encanto on Ice show length:
- Act 1: 45 minutes
- Intermission 1: 15 minutes
- Act 2: 45 minutes
- Intermission 2: 15 minutes
- Act 3: 30 minutes
With opening and closing curtain moments, the total runtime comes out to around 2 hours and 15 minutes. This makes Encanto on Ice similar in length to other popular family-oriented ice shows like Disney on Ice or Sesame Street Live which typically clock in between 2 to 2 and a half hours including intermissions.
How the Show Length Compares
At 2 hours and 15 minutes, Encanto on Ice has a longer runtime than the original Encanto movie. The animated film has a runtime of only 1 hour and 42 minutes. The additional time for the live show allows for expanded musical numbers, more skating routines, and more scenes and characters than the movie. The intermissions also pad out the total time.
The Encanto on Ice length is comparable to other major touring ice shows. For example, recent Disney on Ice productions like Road Trip Adventures, Worlds of Enchantment, and Find Your Hero have all clocked in right around 2 hours and 15 minutes. Sesame Street Live shows are also typically between 2 and 2.5 hours. So the Encanto show length is right in line with expectations.
Here’s a comparison of Encanto on Ice show length vs other shows:
Show | Length |
Encanto on Ice | 2 hours 15 minutes |
Encanto movie | 1 hour 42 minutes |
Disney on Ice | 2 hours 15 minutes |
Sesame Street Live | 2 hours |
Length Depends on Venue
It’s worth noting that the exact Encanto on Ice show time can vary slightly depending on the venue. An arena with a larger floor and more seating may incorporate longer transitions or musical interludes between scenes. Shows at smaller venues will aim to keep the pace moving briskly. But on average, most performances will hit the 2 hour 15 minute mark.
Arrive Early to See the Rink Changeover
An interesting behind-the-scenes look at any ice show is the “rink changeover” when crew members refresh the ice and reset props and staging between acts. Encanto on Ice has two scheduled 15 minute intermissions specifically to allow for this changeover. If you want to witness the transition magic firsthand, try to arrive at your seats early before the show starts.
During the changeover crew members drive specialized ice resurfacing machines to smooth and clean the rink. They also rake the ice to pick up any loose shavings. In the meantime, stagehands wheel props and set pieces on and off the floor. Video displays and lighting may also be adjusted between acts. The choreography of the rink changeover is a spectacle in itself!
Plan Your Concessions Accordingly
Since Encanto on Ice has a total runtime of over 2 hours with an intermission, it’s smart to plan accordingly for restroom breaks and concessions. The two 15 minute intermissions are the perfect opportunity to take a bathroom break without missing any of the action. You can also budget time for snacks and drinks at the mid-show intermissions.
If you have younger children, keep in mind they may have a harder time sitting still for a 2+ hour show. Bringing small toys or activities can help keep them engaged. Plan to visit concessions or hit the restroom if needed between acts.
Having an understanding of the full Encanto on Ice show length ahead of time allows you to plan your experience.
To summarize, a typical performance of the spectacular new Encanto on Ice show runs approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. This accounts for a roughly 45 minute opening act, 15 minute intermission, 45 minute second act, second 15 minute intermission, and 30 minute final act. The length allows the show to expand upon the story of the Encanto film with elaborate production numbers.
The 2 hour, 15 minute runtime is on par with recent Disney on Ice shows and Sesame Street Live productions. While slightly longer than the Encanto movie, the expanded live show version includes richer set-pieces, costuming, music, and skating routines. Arriving early lets you witness the rink changeover between acts. And the two intermissions provide opportunities for bathroom and concession breaks during the show.
So grab your arepas and get ready to feel the rhythm of Encanto like never before. Knowing the complete Encanto on Ice show time will help you sit back, relax and fully enjoy the magic and music when this spectacular show visits your hometown arena!