If you purchased tickets to see Taylor Swift in concert in Dublin, you will need an access code to unlock your tickets and enter the venue. Access codes are used to help prevent ticket fraud and ensure only verified ticket buyers can attend the concert. Here are some tips on how to find your Taylor Swift Dublin access code:
Check Your Email
The easiest way to find your access code is to check the email you used when purchasing the tickets. The promoter or ticket seller (such as Ticketmaster) will email you your unique access code, usually 7-10 days before the concert date. Be sure to check your inbox and spam folder so you don’t miss this important email.
Check Your Ticket Account
If you cannot find the access code email, log into your ticket account with the seller. There should be a section that shows your order details and access code. For Ticketmaster, you can find it under “My Tickets” – click on your Taylor Swift order and look for the 19-digit “Credit Card Entry Number.” This is your access code.
Call Ticket Support
If you still cannot find your access code through email or your ticket account, reach out to the ticket seller’s customer support team. They can look up your purchase in their system and provide your access code over the phone or email. Be ready with your order number or other identifying details.
Purchase Transfer
If you received the tickets as a gift or through a transfer, you may not have the original access code email. Reach out to the original ticket purchaser and ask them to send you the access code or ticket transfer email from the ticket company.
Day Before the Show
For some shows, access codes are not sent out until 1-2 days before the event. If your show is approaching and you still don’t have your code, be patient and keep checking your email. The code should arrive shortly.
At the Venue
If you still have not received your access code by the day of the show, go to the box office early and explain your situation. Bring your physical tickets, ID and order information. They may be able to look up your purchase and provide your code or point you to a customer service representative who can assist.
Access Code Entry
Once you have your 19-digit alphanumeric access code, you will need to enter it at the venue to unlock your tickets. There will be instructions at the entrance gates on how to enter the code through a scanner or website. Some tips:
- Make sure to enter the code exactly as provided, including any letters or symbols
- Have your tickets ready to scan after entering the code
- Bring a printed copy of the code in case your phone battery dies
- The access code only works once – after you enter it the first time, it becomes invalid
- If you purchased multiple tickets, you will only need to enter the code once to unlock all tickets linked to your order
Troubleshooting Issues
If you run into any problems with your access code, here are some tips for troubleshooting:
- Double check that you entered the full 19-digit code correctly
- Try re-entering the code, going slowly number by number
- Ask the gate attendant for assistance if it is still not working
- For an invalid/expired code error, contact the ticket seller to reissue a new code
- If your code was already used by someone else, contact the ticket seller immediately to report the fraud
Avoiding Scams
With in-demand concerts like Taylor Swift, access code scams are unfortunately common. Here are some tips to avoid fraud when obtaining or using your access code:
- Never buy tickets or access codes from unofficial sources – only trust the authorized ticket seller’s site
- Do not share your access code publicly on social media or with strangers who could steal it
- Be wary of people offering to “register” your code for you – enter it yourself directly through the official channels
- Never pay an individual for access codes – all codes come directly from the ticket seller
- Avoid shady offers for “last minute” access codes right before the show
Contact the Seller
If you cannot find your access code anywhere, or believe you are the victim of fraud, immediately contact the original ticket seller (likely Ticketmaster). Their customer service team can best assist with any issues and provide solutions, like reissuing lost access codes.
Enjoy the Show!
Taylor Swift puts on an amazing concert, so try not to stress too much about the access code. Focus on the excitement of seeing one of the world’s top pop stars live in Dublin! With some patience and the right help if you need it, you’ll secure your code and have an unforgettable night singing and dancing along to Taylor’s hits.
Step | Action |
1 | Check your ticket purchase email inbox and spam folder for the access code |
2 | Log into your ticket account and look for the “Credit Card Entry Number” |
3 | Call or email the ticket seller’s customer support for assistance |
4 | For transfers, reach out to original ticket purchaser |
5 | Go to the venue box office early on day of show if still no code |
6 | Enter the 19-digit code carefully at gates to unlock tickets |
7 | Avoid scams – only trust official ticket seller |
8 | Contact ticket seller if any issues with code |
In conclusion, Taylor Swift access codes are very important for admittance to her concerts. Make sure to follow up with the ticket seller if you cannot find the code they provided. With some proactive steps, you can get the proper access code in time and enjoy Taylor’s amazing live show in Dublin!